
People and the communities in which they live are major stakeholders. Communities and local governments are critical partners. We endeavour to develop community-based partnerships, to listen to community voices, and provide solutions that will provide long-term solutions.

For our initiatives to be effective and sustainable there must be an interaction of sectors and interdisciplinary solutions. The stimulation of knowledge sharing, synergy and stakeholder networking is critical to the success of our initiatives.

How We Work

At Quantum Earth Concepts, our success is dependent on trusting relationships. Our reputation is founded on the relationships that we establish with our valued stakeholders. We treat others with respect and strive to conduct our work in the spirit of transparency and openness. Whether seeking to build or to challenge consensus, we value our partners, understanding that the establishment of effective collaborative initiatives with our local and international stakeholders is our best course for sustainable success.

We will always emphasize and address the four dimensions of sustainability that are integrated into all aspects of initiative planning and execution: Environment, Economy, Socio-cultural and Political.

We embrace the critical thinking process. Analysis of issues, opportunities, risk and other critical success factors is vital to identification of synergies, innovation, and the delivery of effective and sustainable solutions.

Local values and our operational philosophies need to be identified and understood before full project initiation. Mutual interest and the willingness to learn from each other is a fundamental basis of international relations. We provide extensive programs that inspire cultural and informational exchanges among all stakeholders.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Quantum Earth Concepts is committed to being a responsible member of the communities and industries wherever we operate.  With everything we do we promote the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") in our business decision-making and we pursue leading practices in continuous improvement.

Our CSR strategies are based on our strategic QEC CSR pillars: 

  • Stakeholders come first;
  • Using resources responsibly;
  • People and potential;
  • Stimulating economies;
  • and the sharing of ideas that improve quality of life.

CSR impacts every aspect of our business—operations, human resources, supply chains, health and safety, and more.

Our CSR activities include:

  • Policies and advocacy that insists on working with partners who follow ethical business practices;
  • Reinvesting profits in health and safety or environmental programs;
  • Supporting charitable organizations in the communities where a company operates;
  • Promoting equal opportunities for men and women at the executive level.
  • Collectively, we are committed to assisting local country partners for the improvement of quality of life for its citizens. It is with this commitment that we have defined specific initiatives that place emphasis on socially responsible investing.
  • Our investment strategies, which seek to maximize both financial return and social development, must provide a foundation for the improvement in the quality of life.
  • Our Socio-cultural, Community Development, Health Management and Education solutions add value to communities and improve quality of life for all.

Local Partners

Quantum Earth Concepts realizes the need to thoroughly understand and respect all of the aspects of doing business in various countries and being a proper steward of local cultures and environment. Hence, we shall reach out to a variety of local companies who will be included in various aspects of project initiatives.

We are committed to establishing partnerships with key local companies for engineering, permitting and construction. It is our intention to use local labour to the maximum extent possible. Additionally, we are dedicated to acting as a good partner as we are committed to social development and community development of the communities that we serve.

Through education, training and initiative involvement/partnership, we will endeavour to bring about an awareness of individual investment, community investment and local responsibility. It is essential for achieving initiative objectives and empowerment through commitment and ownership of the initiative. Wherever possible, solutions will be deployed and maintained by local firms for economic stimulation and sustainability.

Local Content of Material And Labour

Quantum Earth Concepts shall employ local (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Contractors for construction of the project facilities and infrastructure.

Our commitment to local content of material and labour includes:

  • All construction materials, excluding the principal plant components to be manufactured internationally, shall be obtained locally.
  • All jobs, with the exception of specialized installation, project oversight and facility management, will be recruited from local labour pool.
  • All positions of employment will be good paying jobs with benefits.

Commitment to Socio-economic Development

We consider local Socio-Economic Development as key for the success of our operations.

We will therefore promote Socio-Economic Development by:

  • Reinforcing the use of local workforce and contractors through training programs and support to local companies;
  • Strengthening of local skills and capacities;
  • Creating direct and indirect employment;
  • Supporting local content and local procurement;
  • Contributing to human development participating in local development programs (road safety, access to energy, capacity building...);
  • Reinforcing infrastructures.