
Sharing our Vision of Environment and Sustainability

Quantum Earth Concepts operates within network of “centres of excellence” as it collaborates with key stakeholders for the successful initiation, execution and on-going monitoring of Quantum Earth Concepts initiatives. It is through this network that Quantum Earth Concepts engages governments, communities and practitioners; attracts and allocates funding for priority research and other network programs; and facilitates information and knowledge-sharing between network stakeholders.

Quantum Earth Concepts forms valued-added relationships with governments, community workers, educational institutions, consumers and other key stakeholders for the deployment of solutions and the adoption of new sustainability-based philosophies, policies and technologies.

Quantum Earth Concepts truly creates synergy as it may be involved in all aspects of an initiative from participating in the development of renewable energy portfolio standards through to ensuring that drinking water is safe in communities through on-going monitoring and education. Regardless of the nature of the engagement, Quantum Earth Concepts experts will be there to ensure success.

For each initiative, Quantum Earth Concepts brings its unique sensibilities and execution approach which is based on the following:

  • Participatory, Community-Based Development - People and the communities in which they live are major stakeholders. Communities and local governments are critical partners. Quantum Earth Concepts endeavours to develop community-based partnerships, to listen to community voices, and provide solutions that will provide long-term solutions.
  • Holistic (Multi-Sector) Perspective - For Quantum Earth Concepts initiatives to be effective and sustainable there must be an interaction of sectors and interdisciplinary solutions. The stimulation of knowledge sharing, synergy and stakeholder networking is critical to the success of our initiatives.
  • Sustainability - Quantum Earth Concepts will always emphasize and address the four dimensions of sustainability that are integrated into all aspects of initiative planning and execution: Environment, Economy, Socio-cultural and Political.
  • Critical Thinking - Quantum Earth Concepts embraces the critical thinking process. Analysis of issues, opportunities, risk and other critical success factors is vital to identification of synergies, innovation, and the delivery of effective and sustainable solutions.
  • Self-Reliance and Entrepreneurial Spirit - Through education, training and initiative involvement/partnership, Quantum Earth Concepts will endeavour to bring about an awareness of individual investment, community investment and local responsibility. It is essential for achieving initiative objectives and empowerment through commitment and ownership of the initiative. Wherever possible, solutions will be deployed and maintained by local firms for economic stimulation and sustainability.
  • Resource Effectiveness - Quantum Earth Concepts believes that all resources (energy, human, information, physical, technical, and financial) are valuable and essential to our initiatives as it emphasizes critical thinking and proactive planning in pursuit of sustainable development.
  • Local Values - Local values and Quantum Earth Projects philosophies need to be identified and understood before full project initiation. Mutual interest and the willingness to learn from each other is a fundamental basis of international relations. Quantum Earth Concepts provides extensive programs that inspire cultural and informational exchanges among all stakeholders.
  • Appropriate Technology - Quantum Earth Concepts will implement “Best-of-breed” solutions that address the needs of our stakeholders. The appropriate deployment of “hard” technology must be surrounded by appropriate “soft” technology, such as organizational structures, interactive processes, education and motivational techniques.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation - Quantum Earth Concepts will monitor initiative execution and results. We will always assess its performance and our stakeholders are key participants in this process. For all initiatives, a clearly delineated set of strategic statements including measureable critical success factors are to be defined for monitoring, assessment and initiative planning and execution.