
Infrastructure Development

In pursuit of its mission, QEC has partnered with funding organizations and Engineering, Procurement and Construction (“EPC”) companies to help provide funding and EPC expertise for humanitarian, development and infrastructure projects that help mankind worldwide.

Every aspect of QEC’s operations are characterised by professionalism and high standards of corporate governance. Sustainability is embedded into our long-term strategy for growth.

QEC has established several process partner relationships with international companies for the promotion of world-class international expertise and technology for innovative solutions integration initiatives.

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (“EPC”)

The key principle of QEC’s EPC strategy is engaged in core, high impact sectors of the emerging economies with integrated capabilities span the entire spectrum of ‘design to deliver’.   QEC and its EPC partners continue to evolve, seeking better ways of engineering to meet emerging challenges.

Our EPC partners are characterized by professionalism, high standards of corporate governance and sustainability.   Our EPC partners provide to each project decades of experience for a strong, customer focused approach and a continuous quest for world-class quality. Our EPC partners possess unmatched expertise across Technology, Engineering, Construction and Infrastructure Projects.

Project Finance / Funding

We are aligned with specialists in Strategic A​dvisory​​​​, Venture Capital and Corporate Finance for project funding and execution.  Our international finance strategic partners have worked with a wide range of governmental and industrial clients to identify, develop and implement innovative project financing approaches for EPC execution.

Our finance specialists possess access to a world-wide network of financing sources among strategic and institutional investors enabling us to assist our clients secure capital for their project and development requirements.

These efforts have been focused on providing the funding needed to bring a project to reality without unduly burdening the community and the people that it serves.

Projects may be initiated and executed on a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (“BOOT”) and/or Public-Private Partnership (“PPP”) basis.

