

Aquaponics integrates aquaculture (raising of fish, shrimp and other aquaquatic animals in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. In an aquapoics system, effluent from an aquaculture system is fed to a hydroponic system where the by-products are broken down by nitrification bacteria into nitrates and nitrites, which are utilized by the plants as nutrients, and the water is then recirculated back to the aquaculture system.

QEC develops complete “egg to filet” tilapia aquaculture value chains in which highly efficient industrial-scale aquaponics facilities will be operated for the growth and processing of whole fish and filet products. Integrated shrimp aquaculture systems produce shrimp for domestic consumption and export. The QEC integrated hydroponics systems produce high-quality vegetables for domestic and regional consumption while far outperforming any agriculture operations and provide exception nutritional value at low production costs.

QEC is committed to the idea that its aquaculture project stakeholders can, and should produce more of the seafood (fish and shrimp). These products should be free of hormones, antibiotics, and industrial pollutants; it is QEC’s responsibility to provide the consumer with a healthy product. And this seafood should be produced in a way that does not do damage the local environment, respects our gift of water, and enhances the local social system that produces it.

Operational Focus

QEC Aquaponics creates prosperity through the application of innovative technologies and best practices developed from leading-edge research and development. Striving to fulfil its potential as a leader in the sustainable production of safe, quality foods, QEC Aquaponics is committed to earning and upholding public confidence by operating in a manner that is respectful of local communities and the environment, for the benefit of all stakeholders.

  • Supply a low-cost-to-produce, healthy, enjoyable tasting, wholesome protein, that is will produce locally produced food to feed the stakeholder target market population and lead the world in the most advanced technology in an emerging and very important fish farming industry.
  • Use time tested existing technologies to lessen/mitigate issues. Seamless transfer of technology is imperative to ensure success during the critical start-up phase. (Many projects have failed due to premature transfer of technology).
  • Job creation and regional economic development;
  • Provide industry knowledge and technology expertise transfer to with stakeholder academic institutions and government organization;
  • Promote government aquaculture and sustainability programs and assist with national program development.