
Agribusiness Value Chains

The lack of social responsibility and the protection of the environment has led to some to believe that large-scale agribusiness development cannot be successfully integrated into a framework of strategic sustainability and environmental protection. However, QEC agribusiness industry specialists and leading environmentalists maintain that with the responsible cultivation of agricultural lands with emphasis placed on protecting the environment and communities can be accomplished by adhering to stringent industry regulations and adopting key sustainability focused mandates.

Quantum Earth Concepts is committed to providing the necessary infrastructure, technology, operations and knowledge for the establishment of sustainable world-class agribusiness value chains for its project stakeholders.

Quantum Earth Concepts establishes and manages agribusiness value chains that are firmly committed to:

  • No deforestation of high conservation value (HCV) lands or high carbon stock (HCS) areas;
  • No development on peat;
  • No exploitation of rights of local communities;
  • Protection of the environment;

We believe it is essential that all members of our QEC agribusiness value chains work together with governments, local communities and NGOs to find practical solutions to labour issues while fostering responsible economic development. We are committed to doing our part to ensure fair labour practices throughout our agribusiness supply chain.